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Benjamin W. Bohl, 12/19/2022 08:33 AM


  • 3 seats
  • 10 nominees
  • 6 candiadates
  • 435 voters (actually a bit less due to duplicate subscriptions and about 30 old mail-addresses)
    • emails: 0 pending, 0 in transit, 44 rejected (37 bounce, 1 spam, and 6 opt out), and 391 delivered
    • 1156 email opens, 211 unique email opens, 146 visits, 124 unique visits, 120 voted, 315 not voted, and 0 disabled
  • 120 votes, 120 valid ballots
  • ##% turnout (27,6% after eliminating invalid and empty ballots)

Updated by Benjamin W. Bohl almost 2 years ago · 2 revisions